Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Entertain Me...

Finally.  We found the perfect little piece of furniture to put our stamp on, make our own...all to set a television on top of:)  I am excited about this piece.  I have been waiting for just the perfect thing...and because I have been waiting so long I was about to buy a new piece!  But HURRAY we get the chance to up-cycle a gem of a (use-to-be) sideboard.  So excited!  Jeremy just left to pick up the piece and then the project will begin!  I will post pictures of before an after for your entertainment:)  Fun Fun Fun:) Fingers crossed that this works the way I have envisioned in my head!

Sneak Peak....
Above is before...and below is in the process...
After three coats of paint, some stain and a little distressing...this is what the product!  Love it!  Now we just need to find the right hardware and we are done!  It is the perfect fit for our room:) 
 Looks a little cluttered right now...Need to hide the speakers, hang the art and move some wires.  We are also planning on opening one of the cabinets with glass or taking out completely and adding a shelf.  But progress....

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