In our house coloring and painting are pretty big deals:) We have always used the kitchen floor or the kitchen table for these wonderful projects...but the time has come to make a space just for the kids. We have a great long room that will be perfect for a craft space. So far we have been working on the table and benches. Next step is the organization of all the craft supplies:) So here is the first step... (and I apologize for not having step by step pictures...we started these projects before I got the wild desire to post about them:)
{1} First step was to find the perfect little table. We found ours at a local second hand store for $10. What a steal:) It had all the character we wanted for the table and it was the right size. It used to be a side table.
{2} Depending on the condition of the table you would want to sand and/or prime it to prep for paint. Ours was in great condition so we were able to paint (opted to spray paint it) right away (I could have sanded it down but as much as I love projects...I have no patience for those kind of tasks:). It only took two coats of the satin blue and then I painted the top with Chalkboard paint for one more fun art surface.
{3} Next it was time to construct the benches. We actually have two kid size chairs but since this was originally a side table it was a little short for the chairs. So we decided to make our very own benches. Took a few pieces of wood, some screws, a circular saw and some imagination...and viola! we had benches. Okay, okay...I know that I should give better instructions but since this was our first piece made from our minds it is not worth the effort of writing it down. You could probably come up with a better way to do it yourself without me telling you our crazy way:) I will get better at this...I will!
There will probably be an update with a picture of the completed benches soon....
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