Two weeks ago while cleaning the sink in the bathroom I noticed something...we had a crack across the top of our guest bathroom vanity. Upon further inspection I realized that the crack came from the bottom of the vanity buckling. Not good. This is a lesson to all those who have older houses and young children...check and see where water ends ups during and after the bath time splashing fun ends. In our case it was cleaned up after every bath...well, this is what we though was happening...when in actuality it was making its way under the vanity (out of sight) where over time it destroyed it. Shoot. By that evening we had the vanity pulled out and a plan in place. At one point we were going to replace the floor, vanity, baseboards, paint, and cabinet...we ended up not doing the floor. Maybe some day. But for now the floors look good and work great:) So after a search for vanities that would fit our space and our decor we ordered one that I loved. It arrived a week later and as a mixed blessing it had a faulty top as well. That one was on its way back and another one (took this as a sign that I needed to go in a different direction) was in my car waiting to be installed by my ever patience husband:) It is now complete! New paint, hardware, vanity, faucet and cabinet. I love it! Color scheme inspired by my collection of all things seashell and starfish.
Here are the before, middle mistake and final product.
Before. Nothing wrong with it, and I liked the purple while we had it...but it had other ideas for the timing of things. |
Middle mistake...way to tall (kids would be 18 before they could reach the faucet) and it had a cracked top. The wall color I loved but it was meant to go with a different floor. In keeping the floor we changed the wall color....again. |
Love the rectangle sink and the new faucet:) |
Ignore the white towel on the is gone now....drove me crazy. But I love the round brown rug:) |
I love Jeremy's arm in this pic:) The bathroom turned out cute and neutral. The house is all starting to match! Woohoo!! |